
The Fastest Way to Find High Paying (CPC) Google AdSense Keywords in 2024

Are you searching for high-paying AdSense keywords? Did you know that 80% of the income made by AdSense earners comes from 20% of the keywords they use?

You’re not alone if you struggle to make real money with AdSense.

Yes, you can strategically place ads to increase ad clicks, but targeting the right keywords is the key to maximizing your earnings. Not just any keywords but high-paying Google AdSense keywords.

So, what are they? High CPC keywords are those search terms advertisers are willing to spend big bucks on.

In this guide, we’ll uncover the secrets to increasing your AdSense earnings by finding high-paying ads on AdSense. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Quick note: We recently launched our premium eBook on Keyword Research Made Easy, which helps you find many money-generating keywords in every niche. So far, the book has sold over 1000 copies. Grab the book before it’s gone.

How to Find High Paying AdSense Keywords (High CPC Keywords) in 2024

Supercharge your SEO with long-tail keywords

Target long-tail keywords to cut through the competition and find high-CPC keywords in your niche.

Long-tail keywords usually contain 4 or more words. For example, instead of targeting the generic term “running shoes,” a niche athletic store could target “best running shoes for women with wide feet”. That way, you can attract a highly qualified audience that is ready to convert, leading to a much higher CPC for that keyword.

So, why should you care about the importance of using long tail keywords?

Here are a few benefits;

• Lower competition (due to fewer searches)

• Higher conversions (due to laser-focused search intent)

• High-quality leads and traffic

Here’s an excellent illustration of long-tail keywords;

As you can see above, long-tail keywords generally have fewer average monthly searches but high conversion rates. That’s how you target high-value AdSense keywords for your website in 2024.

Now, let’s examine some of the TOP keywords that earn Google and publishers millions of dollars monthly.

Top 10 Most Expensive Keywords (High CPC) in Google AdSense for 2024 (With Over 100K Monthly Searches)

Whether you know it or not, 90% of the income Google generates comes from advertisers. Ads that range from fitness to entertainment to real estate help Google make billions of dollars every single year.

If you are curious about knowing the most highly paid Google AdSense keywords with lots of CPC (Cost Per Click) and global monthly searches in 2024, here are the top 10 keywords.

Note: The data is taken from Semrush, which is considered one of the most accurate tools for finding CPC and monthly searches. Also, the following keywords have at least 100,000 monthly searches and a CPC of over $10.

  1. Personal injury attorney (CPC: $81.05, Search Volume: 135K+)
  2. Amex travel (CPC: $35.82, Search Volume: 165K+)
  3. Debt consolidation loan (CPC: $25.78, Search Volume: 110K+)
  4. Auto insurance quotes (CPC: $16.01, Search Volume: 200K+)
  5. Life insurance (CPC: $15.57, Search Volume: 246K+)
  6. Pet insurance (CPC: $13.66, Search Volume: 165K+)
  7. American Express Travel (CPC: $20.21, Search Volume: 135K+)
  8. Lawyer (CPC: $10.15, Search Volume: 110K+)
  9. Village medical (CPC: $10.10, Search Volume: 110K+)
  10. The Hunger Games (CPC: $10.00, Search Volume: 550K+)

Quick note: Don’t EVEN think about rank for the above keywords. They are impossible to rank for in the top 10 search results unless you have a million-dollar budget for content marketing, SEO, and other stuff.

Let’s now discuss how you can find profitable keywords really quickly.

For this tutorial, we’ll be going to use Semrush. It’s the same tool we’ve been using on our blog since 2016 and is trusted by over 10 million users worldwide.

Semrush is not only the PERFECT tool for finding highly profitable keywords in any niche but it also helps you analyze a lot of other things such as backlink checking, competitor’s analysis, related keywords information etc.

If you want to know more about Semrush, we highly recommend you check out our in-depth Semrush review.

Now, before talking about finding the highly paid AdSense keywords, you need to do the following things.

  • Click here to try Semrush for 14 days for free. Once you sign up and log into your Semrush dashboard, you’ll be ready to roll.
  • Create a list of all the websites in your niche that are making a lot of money from AdSense. You need a list of competitors to find their most profitable keywords.
  • Once you have all the data of profitable keywords, you can target them to increase your AdSense earnings exponentially.
Let’s now jump into the details on how to find high CPC keywords for AdSense using FOUR amazing tools.

Using Semrush to Find Profitable Keywords

Let’s take a real example of using Semrush to find and analyze the profitable CPC keywords of other sites.

Firstly, create a list of keywords that are highly relevant to your website, products or services.

One of the best ways to find high value keywords in your niche is to analyze your competitors’ website. Here’s where a premium tool like Semrush comes in handy, as it offers a huge keyword database of over 25 billion keywords.

To start, go to the Organic Research tool and enter the domain of any of your competitors to get the keyword data.

See that? You’ll find all the keywords your competitors’ rank for along with their estimated traffic cost. You’ll also find the keywords by different types of intent including;

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Commercial and
  • Transactional

Quick note: Make sure to choose the database where your target audience is. In our case, we’re going with the US database. Usually, US-based audiences and keywords give you a higher CPC than any other country.

To see the keywords, simply click on the “View all keywords”.

Have a look;

Once you click on the “View all keywords”, it will give you a list of all the keywords a website is ranking for.

See that? You will get all the information that a domain is ranking for along with the details like;

  • The intent of each keyword
  • Their current ranking position
  • Search engine features (such as featured snippets)
  • Traffic % to the website (how much traffic those keywords are sending from search engines)
  • Estimated search volume, Keyword difficulty and more

So there you go, that’s how you can build a HUGE list of relevant keyword ideas for your website.

Alternatively, you can also use the Semrush’s “Advertising Research” tool that helps you see all the keywords that a domain bid on and ran ads for.

Here’s an example of the paid ads run by the Semrush website;

As you can see, you’ll see a list of all the PPC keywords the domain is bidding for in paid ads (along with the estimated monthly traffic cost) and overall paid search trends.

You can scroll down a bit to see the paid keywords a domain is bidding for.

Have a look;

See that? You’ll now have access to all the high CPM keywords a domain is paying for in Google paid ads.

Copy the list of all the keywords and move on to the next domain to find more of such high-paying AdSense keywords to increase your AdSense earnings. It doesn’t matter which niche you are in ranging from technology to news to WordPress.

You can use the exact above same process for finding all the keywords that are driving your competitors more traffic and AdSense earnings.

Using SpyFu to Find Profitable AdSense Keywords (High Paying CPC Keywords)

SpyFu is a great alternative to tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz etc (which are expensive) as it costs you just $33 per month if you go with their annual plan. If you want to know more about the tool, you can read our SpyFu review from here along with its features, pricing options and more.

If you’re wondering about using SpyFu for finding highly profitable AdSense keywords, here’s a simple tutorial for you.

Step 1: Firstly, login to SpyFu tool and go to PPC research and enter any of your competitors domain the search box. Here’s how it looks like;

Quick note: Make sure to enter a competitors URL who you think mostly probably use PPC keywords (who pay for paid ads on Google)

As you can see above, SpyFu instantly shows you the list of paid keywords of your entered domain along with estimated monthly clicks and PPC budget.

Step 2: Click on their paid keywords and SpyFu returns you a list of the most profitable keywords that your competitors are already paying for (in Google search).

Here’s how it looks like;

As you can see above, you can see everything including;

  • paid keywords your competitors using
  • mobile searches
  • cost per click (CPC)
  • monthly cost (to rank for that keyword)
  • monthly searches of that keyword

Now your job is to try getting rank for similar keywords. Why?

That’s how you will be able to drive highly profitable visitors from search and by using AdSense, you can instantly generate more value for every click you generate.

Step 3: If you want to mine even more profitable AdSense keyword ideas, go to SpyFu “Keyword Research” tool section and enter any topic or keyword phrase that you want to rank for.

As you can see above, we have entered an example keyword of “how to start a blog” and it instantly showing us a ton of information like;

  • monthly searches
  • similar keywords and questions
  • estimated click through rates and so on

Not only that, when you scroll down, you’ll also find a ton of profitable keyword ideas which look like this;

As you can see, you’ll get a list of the top Google Ads buy recommendations for your selected keyword. That’s how you’ll be easily able to find a lot of profitable related keywords that you can use to increase your AdSense earnings.

So there you go, that’s how you can use SpyFu for finding highly profitable keywords.

Using Ubersuggest to find high paying keywords

If you’re looking for a freemium keyword tool to find high CPC Google AdSense keywords, Ubersuggest is an excellent choice. Here’s a quick tutorial on using Ubersuggest to find high-value keywords.

Make sure to use your Google account to create a free account with Ubersuggest.

Once you’re on the Ubersuggest website, enter any of your competitors’s site to get an overview of their keywords.

As you can see above, it will show you a list of all the organic keywords a domain ranks for.

Once you click on it, you’ll find the domain’s top-performing keywords that are bringing the most amount of traffic.

To find the CPC value of the keywords, simply click on any keyword.

Have a look;

See that? That’s how you can easily find CPC value of any keyword.

Alternatively, you can use Ubersuggest’s keyword tool to search for any keyword or search term related to your website (or product).

As you can see, you’ll find various metrics including;

  • Search volume
  • SEO difficulty
  • Paid difficulty and
  • CPC value of the keyword

That’s how you can easily find the high CPM keywords using the Ubersuggest tool.

Using Google’s Keyword Planner to find money making keywords (most expensive keywords)

Let’s now talk about how you can use Google’s keyword planner for finding keywords that increase your AdSense income. As we all know, keyword planner is an excellent tool for beginners, and more importantly, it’s free.

Also, there are a ton of benefits of using Google keyword planner for doing keyword research, both for SEO and paid advertising (PPC), which include;

  • Find highly relevant keywords for both PPC and search
  • It provides estimates on how often particular keywords are searched for each month
  • You can see estimates of how much it would cost to use a specific keyword in a PPC campaign
  • It allows you to group your keywords into different categories
  • Above all, it’s free to use

So, let’s discuss how you can use it.

Sign into your AdWords account and click on Keyword Planner to do keyword research.

Once you’re on the tool, you can enter your website’s URL or enter a keyword term to find closely related terms.

Once you click on the “Get Results” button, the tool will show you a ton of keyword ideas.

Here’s what it looks like;

As you can see above, you’ll get;

  • Related keyword terms
  • Search volume for the keywords
  • Competition
  • Ad impression share
  • CPC value and much more

Step 2: Enter any keywords that you want to target and include the countries where your target audience are.

The key here is to pick the keywords with fewer monthly searches to rank easily. Also, compile the list of all the keywords with high CPC. This is where you can increase your AdSense earnings. Here’s what it looks like;

See that? When you sort the results by “Top of page bid”, you’ll get a list of all the high-paying keywords that you can use to grow your AdSense income.


What is CPC in blogging?

CPC is an acronym for Cost per Click associated with keywords. It is a metric that measures how much advertisers are willing to pay for each click on their website ads.

What are the keywords in PPC?

In PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, keywords are different phrases or words you bid on to trigger your ads. Advertisers bid X amount on these keywords to show their ads when those searches are made.

How do you find the CPC of a keyword?

You can easily find CPC of any keyword with the help of any keyword Research Tools like Semrush, Ubersuggest, SpyFu, etc.

What are the highest CPC keywords?

Insurance, Loans, mortgages, and attorneys are some of the highest CPC keywords, but they are also highly competitive.

How do I find high CPC keywords for bloggers?

One can easily find high CPC keywords using keyword research tools. Not only the CPC but you can find out so many metrics such as volume, keyword difficulty, etc. which helps you choose the right keywords.

Conclusion about finding high paying Google AdSense keywords (High CPC) in 2024

You need to find and use the right keywords on your blog or website to earn more AdSense.

Don’t underestimate the power of keyword research tools like Semrush, Ubersuggest, etc. They can help you discover many high-paying keywords.

Remember, informative content is great, but prioritize keywords with clear commercial intent for AdSense’s success. That’s how you increase your AdSense earnings.

So, what do you think? Do you have any questions about finding high-paying AdSense keywords? Let us know in the comments.


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